Friendship & Wellbeing

When Women Gather

Empowering and uplifting the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing

of all women in Nottingham through inclusive, expressive arts.

When Women Gather is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company dedicated to addressing the growing challenges of isolation and loneliness among women through creative arts and wellbeing-focused projects. We plan, develop, and deliver a wide range of events, workshops, and talks across Nottingham that foster connection, promote friendship, and cultivate a deep sense of community. Our mission is to ensure that every woman, regardless of background, feels safe, valued, and supported when attending our events.

We are proud to collaborate with local, regional, and national arts and wellbeing organisations to create inclusive spaces where women can thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. By working together, we aim to empower all women to build lasting connections and feel a strong sense of belonging.

Our Funders

What WWG Does

Enjoy rich & engaging music-making, dance & creative arts opportunities for all women and all ages in Nottingham!

Since our founding in 2019, we have worked closely with women of all ages across Nottingham to understand the unique needs of different age groups and communities. Through engaging with diverse women, we've developed initiatives that provide vital support for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

With backing from key funders such as Arts Council England, The National Lottery Community Fund, Sport England, and Groundwork, we deliver community-led projects designed to uplift and empower women. Our core activities include creative and cultural workshops, wellbeing talks and conferences, and live music events that showcase music and expressive arts from around the world. These projects not only provide a platform for artistic expression but also help participants build confidence, nurture connection, and improve overall wellbeing through the transformative power of the arts!

We work with the following groups & more: 

  • Mums and pre-schoolers, young children and teens

  • Women from all faiths and cultures

  • Women experiencing peri-menopause or menopause

  • Women experiencing difficult and abusive relationships

  • Women experiencing poor/distressing mental and emotional health, due to personal and/or work-related issues

  • Women in various ages groups - 20s, 30s, 40s, 50 and beyond

We are incredibly proud of our project work and the women who invest their time and energy in helping us understand their needs and the creative activities they enjoy most. Their input has been invaluable, and the outstanding feedback from our co-led projects continues to guide us as we create more opportunities to improve the wellbeing of women in Nottingham.

Our flagship projects, Voices of Identity and Voices of Identity 2, supported by Arts Council England, launched during the pandemic and returned in 2023. Despite the challenges of lockdowns, we successfully used Zoom to engage over 300 women in a multi-disciplinary arts project. Participants joined us from Nottingham, the Midlands, across the UK, and even internationally. Together, we created a performance piece that was later filmed and performed at Nottingham Playhouse.

Building on this success, we are excited to announce a new project that will explore the theme of Voices of Identity through drama, music, and dance, with a focus on co-creation. Stay tuned for updates! You can also watch a documentary about Voices of Identity here. this space! To watch a documentary on Voices of Identity 2 - click here.

Our Services

“A really enjoyable way of doing creative things together, with a group of amazing women!”

Jenny Saunders, workshop participant