Jude Winwood

Jude is a founding member of When Women Gather. As well as enjoying the role of Co-programme Manager for the group since it was established in 2019, Jude also curates and delivers our arts and wellbeing workshops and programmes in the field of Music and Wellbeing. 

Jude is passionate about the wellbeing of women and draws upon her own knowledge and experience within the field of mental health to design engaging and inclusive projects that inspire participants and promote positive relationships amongst all communities. 

Having left her previous career as a teacher in 2015, Jude went on to establish her own creative arts company, Beatfeet Limited, providing meaningful musical encounters for schools, businesses and communities across the UK. Jude specialises in curating bespoke team building experience yes for groups, and developing social and emotional skills in young children through participatory arts. Some of Jude’s previous clients have been The Royal Family, Coco Cola and Sony. 

A pinnacle point for Jude in her career as a community creative practitioner was being selected to curate a series of workshops for children experiencing issues surrounding poor mental health at the Anna Freud Centre in London. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge took part in the project’s celebration performance and this was televised across the world - View Kensington Palace’s clip of the performance here - https://youtu.be/9fgr-sclqSM

Opportunities to live and work amongst communities around the world; such as Ethiopia, The Caribbean, West Africa, the Indian Ocean and Europe, have always inspired Jude. In her workshops, Jude regularly talks about the many astounding ways women seek to gather and support each other across all cultures; equally through happy times and tragedies. 

Jude forms part of our core team, alongside Janet Rose and a body of wonderful and greatly valued volunteers.

More on Jude: 

BeatFeet Drumming, Dance & Wellbeing Workshops: 

Contact Jude:

