Voices Of Identity 2

Back in 2019, we received an award from Arts Council England to deliver our first participatory arts project for women in Nottingham. With the onset of Covid and national lockdowns, we were forced to take the entire project online and to continue to build our community of budding creatives digitally. The first project was a total success and we fulfilled our aims for the project, despite the challenging circumstances. To watch our project documentary, click here. We filmed our final created pieces of dance, music and drama over at the prestigious Nottingham Playhouse.

We are once again thrilled to have received an award from Arts Council England to plan and deliver a second instalment of Voices Of Identity. This time, we are Voices Of Identity 2 and we have an even better programme of creative and cultural workshops to explore, with the stimulus being, ‘Culture is…’

We’ll look forward to sharing lots of updates on our social media. To follow us on Facebook, click here. For TikTok, click here


The National Lottery Community Fund


Drum, Play & Sing! Free to attend sessions